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这种弯曲是由斑块积聚在阴茎组织区域引起的. 据估计,约有1 - 5%的男性患佩罗尼氏病.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的男性诊所在佩罗尼氏病(PyD)治疗方面处于世界领先地位, 管理与研究. 

Dr. Jesse Mills was a principal investigator in the Phase III clinical trial to achieve FDA approval for collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex.一种用于治疗佩罗尼氏病的注射药物. 从那时起,约翰博士. Mills continues to be a world expert in administering Xiaflex and trains physicians form all over the world on how to effectively administer the drug.


佩罗尼氏病的症状可能发展缓慢或突然出现. 这些迹象包括:

  • 由疤痕组织(斑块)引起的硬块
  • 阴茎弯曲或弯曲
  • 勃起功能障碍
  • 勃起时或性交时的疼痛
  • 阴茎长度减少


没人知道一个人是怎么得PyD的.  大约80%的男性不知道他们的阴茎为什么会弯曲或变形.  另外20%的人记得性交时受伤.  PyD可能是遗传的.  父亲、儿子、兄弟都可能有遗传风险.  It’s not something most men talk about and even may be more difficult for family members to discuss their condition with each other.


男性通常自己做出诊断. 医生可以通过身体检查来确认诊断.  Some physicians will perform x-rays and ultrasounds of the penis to get more information on the scar tissue.  在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的男性诊所, 所有的人都有完整的历史, physical exam and penile duplex ultrasound to get the most accurate diagnosis possible to provide individualized treatment.


一些患有PyD的男性会在一夜之间出现严重的阴茎弯曲, 有些人需要几个月的时间才能发育成畸形. 这可能会很痛苦,尤其是在开发的头几个月.

专家将佩罗尼氏病分为急性和慢性两类. The acute phase of Peyronie’s disease can last up to a couple of years but most men evolve into the chronic phase in the first year or so after noticing the curvature. 伴随着曲率或弯曲, 大多数男人都会注意到阴茎长度的减少,有时会很明显. 一些男性声称他们勃起时阴茎的长度减少了一半. Penile shortening occurs because the thick fibers of the penis lose their usually elasticity and ability to stretch with blood flow and, 因此, 男性发现自己勃起的阴茎变小了.


佩罗尼氏病的严重程度取决于一个人对这种疾病的困扰程度. 有些男人的身体弯曲度超过90度,无法插入他们的伴侣. 有些人的弯曲程度要轻得多, 但他们对阴茎外观的变化感到非常困扰,所以他们避免做爱. 如果他们没有伴侣,他们会犹豫是否要找一个,害怕透露自己的状况. 在过去的几年里,勃起功能障碍(ED)已经成为一个家喻户晓的词. 名人发言人在全国电视上宣布他们的ED,并使这种情况正常化. 这使一代男性有能力寻求治疗. 佩罗尼氏病没有名人代言人. 这是一种疾病,大部分人在沉默中忍受.

如果你或你认识的人患有佩罗尼氏病, be confident that The Men’s Clinic at UCLA will provide you with personalized treatment in a comforting environment. Dr. Mills和我们的其他供应商是Peyronie疾病管理和研究方面的专家.  Dr. Mills has been successfully managing PyD patients with XIAFLEX injectors since its FDA approval in 2013. 



佩罗尼氏病, 一个毁容, 男人勃起的阴茎上令人讨厌的弯曲, 是一种没有明确病因却有多种治疗选择的复杂疾病吗.  让我们来探索一下这些选项.  Treatment strategies will depend on how long the man has had the condition prior to seeking medical advice, 畸形多严重啊, 他的勃起有多好,他有多受这种疾病的困扰.  进一步, individual urologists will have different treatment plans depending on their comfort with medical and surgical management of Peyronie’s.

Dr. 米尔斯经常说阴茎选择治疗.  换句话说, PyD有很多治疗方法, 来自医疗管理, 局部内治疗,比如霞飞, 或者手术治疗.  The severity of the curvature and severity of a patient’s bother determine the best course of treatment. 


大多数佩罗尼氏病专家开始用药物治疗, 通常是药片或局部药膏.  PyD的药丸治疗历史包括许多药物,大多数未经fda批准.  许多专家开的处方是己碱, a drug initially used to improve blood flow to the legs of patients with vascular insufficiency.  在佩罗尼氏病中, 己氧叶碱可以抑制一些导致异常疤痕形成的炎症蛋白.  许多临床试验已经证明了己氧叶碱有一定的效果, 治疗6个月后斑块改善的几率约为40%.  它的安全性很好,没有太多副作用.  Older medications like colchicine have fallen out of favor due to lack of improvement and higher side effect profile.  一些泌尿科医生会开一种叫做维拉帕米的局部药物, 一种涂抹在阴茎斑块上的药膏,每天一到两次.   Some urologists and physical therapists will use an iontopheresis unit to draw the verapamil (and sometimes steroid) deeper into the plaque with an electrical current.  There are a few studies out there that show this may be better than just rubbing the cream into the plaque.

Penile traction and vacuum erection devices are two therapies many urologists combine with either pill therapy or injection therapy.  The traction devices have to be worn at least 4 hours a day and have to be released every 20 minutes to minimize nerve damage.  一些研究表明阴茎长度和弯曲度都有所改善, 特别是与其他疗法相结合.  Vacuum devices don’t have quite the same statistical success rates but also don’t have to be worn for so many hours.  也, 如果一个男人有与佩罗尼氏症相关的勃起功能障碍, 保险公司通常会为这种设备买单.  


佩罗尼氏症的局部治疗正处于治疗革命的中期.  泌尿科医生多年来一直将维拉帕米注射到斑块中,但收效甚微.  注射干扰素也取得了类似的成功.  这两种疗法都没有得到FDA的批准.  然而,截至2013年,Xiaflex已获得FDA批准作为局部治疗药物. Xiaflex,胶原酶,是一种生物制剂,泌尿科医生直接注射到斑块中.  The enzyme digests the abnormal collagen deposits in the plaque to decrease the abnormal force exerted on the penis.  Men in clinical studies had a roughly 40% improvement in their curvature and reported improvements in their distress suffered from the disease.  Side effects of this therapy were usually mild and included temporary pain, bruising and swelling.  A few men in the clinical trials had a penile injury severe enough to need surgical correction.  所有这些男性在手术后都恢复了性功能. Dr. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校男性诊所的米尔斯是使用Xiaflex的全国领导者, 这是美国批准的第一种药物.S. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)用于治疗佩罗尼氏病.


最后, 如果医疗或办公室程序不能改善一个人的佩罗尼氏病, 有手术选择.  有三种手术方法治疗佩罗尼氏病.

阴茎扩张术治疗佩罗尼氏病这是最直接的手术方法.  通常在全身麻醉下, 外科医生在阴茎冠周围做一个切口, 通常沿着男性的割礼线, 如果他受了割礼, 然后把皮肤拉下来,露出阴茎上的纤维涂层,也就是斑块所在的地方.  Usually, the surgeon gives the man an erection in the operating room using an injection medicine.  一旦外科医生观察到弯曲的程度, a number of stitches will be placed opposite the curve to rescaffold the penis against the direction of the curve.  一旦缝合线被绑住,组织就会聚集在一起,沿着曲线拉扯.  在精心挑选的病人中,这是一次非常成功的手术.  手术的主要缺点是男性会失去一些长度.  因此,这不是一个适合所有人的手术.

阴茎斑块切除及移植手术治疗佩罗尼氏症这个手术方案要复杂得多.  阴茎斑块切除和移植手术涉及一个类似的切口应用手术.  切口后,外科医生切除斑块并贴上贴片. 这就是复杂性开始的地方.  The plaque sits underneath a complex neurovascular bundle where the sensation nerves and some of the penile blood vessels run.  One of the trickiest parts of this surgery is to elevate this bundle without cutting any of the fibers to expose the plaque.  这些纤维的损伤会导致阴茎麻木, 阳痿和长期的液体积聚叫做淋巴水肿.  这个操作的另一个困难部分是决定从哪里获得补丁.  外科医生已经尝试了许多材料,包括从病人身上采集的组织, 人工材料, 动物组织,最后是人类尸体组织.  有这么多选择和外科医生的意见, 人们可以正确地假设,在最佳材料上没有达成共识.  斑块切开和移植的风险包括暂时性或永久性阴茎麻木, 降低安装强度, 结疤和缩短.  In the right surgeon’s hands, however, this represents a powerful and effective treatment option.

为佩罗尼氏症植入阴茎如果一个人同时患有佩罗尼氏症和勃起功能障碍, a penile implant (link to penile implant) with intraoperative modeling is likely the best surgical option.  外科医生植入植入物已有40多年的历史.  An implant can correct the Peyronie’s deformity because the cylinders will act as I beams to straighten the penis.  一旦外科医生放置植入物, 他或她可以按住勃起的植入物,使阴茎弯曲. With the cylinders in place, the penis has a good chance of holding straight once the man heals.


Dr. Jesse Mills and the team at The Men’s Clinic at UCLA are at the forefront of treating Peyronie’s disease, 无论是外科手术还是医学上. Dr. Mills was a principal investigator for Auxilium Pharmaceuticals’ late-stage study of XIAFLEX in 2011 and 2012 to achieve FDA approval. XIAFLEX is an FDA-approved injectable medication used to treat adult men with Peyronie’s disease who have plaque that can be felt and a visible curve in their penis. 注射到组织中后,XIAFLEX可以帮助削弱和分解斑块. Dr. 米尔斯是全国使用XIAFLEX的领导者,也是第一个获得美国批准的药物.S. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)用于治疗佩罗尼氏病.


Xiaflex is an FDA approved treatment for 佩罗尼氏病 and covered under most insurance plans. 符合治疗条件的病人, 专门的护理协调员将核实您的福利, 完成授权书并提供你的财务责任估计. Our coordinator will also provide support and guidance with co-pay assistance to help with the cost of this treatment.


欲了解更多信息,并安排预约与男子诊所在圣莫尼卡, 请拨打皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校泌尿科预约热线 310-794-7700.

视频: 阴茎弯曲的病因与治疗

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的泌尿科医生 杰西·米尔斯,MD, 讨论了佩罗尼氏病的病因和治疗方案, a type of erectile dysfunction characterized by fibrous scar tissue that forms under the skin of the penis causing curved, 痛苦的勃起.